nourished nutrition and fitness.

Food should make you feel good

Virtual 1:1 nutrition counseling to help you stop dieting and improve your health.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the countless diet rules and health fads out there?

Trust me, you're not alone.

Like you, many of my clients come to me feeling frustrated and confused about what they should and shouldn't eat. That's exactly why I created Nourished Nutrition and Fitness — to cut through the noise and help you find a way of eating that truly nourishes your body and soul.

With nutrition counseling you will...

eliza whitaker nutrition counseling

Be confident

Learn to eat food you enjoy without feeling restricted.
eliza whitaker nutrition counseling

Enjoy food

You'll learn to create satisfying, filling, balanced meals and snacks.
eliza whitaker nutrition counseling

Feel lighter

No longer feeling weighed down and sluggish and exhausted, after meals.

It's time to ditch the diet drama and embrace a more nourishing, enjoyable approach to eating.

hi there

I'm Eliza

I love helping amazing women (just like you) stop dieting so you can feel your best and finally get lasting results.

And working with me via 1:1 nutrition counseling, you get my exact process for boosting your energy without feeling limited when it comes to the foods you eat.

I take a personalized, anti-diet approach to nutrition that focuses on your body and how you feel. I'll help you discover what foods leave you feeling great, and which ones don't.

Together, we'll uncover ways to improve your health without adding more stress to your already busy life. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin and not constantly stress about food.

Ready to get started?

Client testimonials

What my clients are saying

Read some of their amazing stories here!


I went to the doctor last week and it was the first time my blood pressure wasn't high. So exciting!


I finally realized that not only am I a chronic yo-yo dieter but I am also a yo-yo exerciser. I wouldn't have been able to recognize this without Eliza. Now we are working on healing this.


I went out for dinner with my sister to celebrate her birthday. It was the first time I was able to really enjoy what I was eating and not feel guilty about having dessert to celebrate!

Previous client

I used to drink a 6-pack of soda every day. Now I have one soda a month if that, and I don't usually finish it. This never would have happened if I hadn't started working with Eliza.


I used to eat all the food on my plate and would keep eating even though I was uncomfortably full. Yesterday during lunch, I noticed I was full, so I put my leftovers in the fridge to have later. I am finally learning to listen to my body! I'm eating earlier too and have started to notice that I feel lighter. I'm waking up more refreshed and don't feel as weighed down by food.

What's included with nutrition counseling

Recipe e-book customized to your needs and preferences.

A progress tracking e-book packed with thought-provoking questions to challenge your thoughts surrounding food, meal prep and planning worksheets.

Weekly habit tracking sheets.

Stress-reducing tips and ticks.

How it all works

first step

Schedule a discovery call

During this call, we will go over the questions you answered when booking an appointment.

This helps me to gain a deeper understanding of what support you're looking for, what your goals are and how I can help you.
second step

Initial Session

During our first session, we will do a deeper review of your health history, current health status, relationship with food, past experiences with diets, what's worked for you in the past and what hasn't, diver deeper into goals, wants, and motivation.
third step

Attend Follow-up Sessions

During our follow-up sessions, we will develop a specialized plan for you to follow based on your goals and current situation.

We will also work on challenging your current thoughts surrounding food, and create achievable goals that can be worked towards between each follow-up session.

When needed, we can make adjustments to plan to make sure you are getting all the support that you need to heal your relationship with food.

Frequently asked questions

No, all services are cash pay, but I can provide you with a super bill. I'm working on accepting insurance soon.

Yes. A payment plan schedule can be agreed upon before signing up for a package.

No, all services are provided virtually at this time.

The best way to determine which of my services are best for you is to book a free discovery call. This will allow me to better understand what your goals are and the support you're looking for so we can discuss what program will be the right fit for you!

I accept credit and debit cards as well as PayPal.

Schedule a free discovery call today to get started

nourished nutrition and fitness
Vitual nutrition counseling and yoga services.


email eliza

located in Greene, NY

serving all of New York virtually


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